24th November 2012


So here i am sitting in work on the late shift, Really tired no thanks to my mind working faster than my body right now, I've got so much in my head like a cyclone of plans and ideas yet to finish which anxiously await in the near future. The reason I’m writing is the need to release some thoughts and be able to zen some balance in my head before i end up losing the thing. The diary I’m writing into right now was bought on my travels after a hard bargain with a Cambodian street kid in the market of Siem Reap, Then i think about it i kind of fleeced that kid real bad but even buying a diary is a first nevermind on a random buy as a souvenir! i bet he spent the money on quality booze, the kids don't change wherever you go! In 2 sleeps i go to Hong Kong, a kind of backslap to everything i really travel to see but with such a high tech modern supercity i thought if there was anywhere to see a scale of the future it is Hong Kong, To be honest playing Shenmue 2 on the Sega Dreamcast only made me want to check it out for myself even more. I really would love to see some of the wildlife over there, The touristy things don't really bother me too much, Strange how I would choose one of the most built up overpopulated places in the world to get away from it all in nature, but the knowing of both being close by and a mix of and new culture is the idea of a city break for me! 


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